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"Without music, life would be a blank to me." - Jane Austen

Choir of St John's College Cambridge

The Choir of St John’s College, Cambridge is one of the finest collegiate choirs in the world, known and loved by millions from its broadcasts, concert tours and over 100 recordings. Founded in the 1670s, the Choir is known for its distinctive rich, warm sound, its expressive interpretations and its breadth of repertoire. Alongside these musical characteristics, the Choir is particularly proud of its happy, relaxed and mutually supportive atmosphere. The Choir was directed by Andrew Nethsingha between 2007 and 2022. He followed a long line of eminent Directors of Music, recently Dr George Guest, Dr Christopher Robinson and Dr David Hill. Nethsingha’s successor, Christopher Gray, will take up post in April 2023. The Choir is made up of around 20 Choristers and Probationers from St John’s College School and around 16 Choral Scholars who are members of St John’s College, its primary purpose being to enhance the liturgy and worship at daily services in the College Chapel.
The Choir has a diverse repertoire spanning over 500 years of music. It is also renowned for championing contemporary music by commissioning new works, including recent compositions by Cheryl Frances-Hoad, Judith Bingham, Julian Anderson, Anna Semple, Katrina Toner, Ignacio Mañá Mesas, Cecilia McDowall, Helen Grime, David Nunn, Jonathan Dove and Iain Farrington. Each term, the Choir is joined by its period instrument ensemble St John’s Sinfonia to perform Bach Cantatas in a liturgical setting.
The Choir brings the ‘St John’s Sound’ to listeners around the world through its weekly webcasts (available at The Choir has also live-streamed video broadcasts of Chapel services on Facebook, in association with Classic FM. In addition to regular radio broadcasts in this country and abroad, the Choir releases multiple recordings each year. In May 2016 the College launched its ‘St John’s Cambridge’ recording label (in conjunction with Signum Classics). Since then 14 Choir albums have been released. These include single composer albums of Jonathan Harvey (BBC Music Magazine Award winner), Ralph Vaughan Williams and Michael Finnissy, the latter of which was a finalist in the 2021 Gramophone Awards. In addition to this album, there have been a further two ‘Magnificat’ albums of varied Evensong Canticles, an anthem compilation Locus Iste, masses by Poulenc and Kodály, a live anthology The Tree, a Psalms collection, and seasonal albums for Advent, Christmas, Ash Wednesday and Eastertide.
The Choir also performs concerts outside of Cambridge and tours internationally each year. Recent destinations have included the USA, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Hong Kong and Singapore. It also performs regularly in the UK, with venues including Symphony Hall, Birmingham, Royal Albert Hall and Royal Festival Hall, London.

Featured on

Various composers
Magnificat Vol. 3
Choir of St John's College Cambridge